Week 2: Ayako by Tezuka Osamu
Week 2: Ayako by Tezuka Osamu Tezuka, I can sure there is no one who had never heard of his name in manga fandom. Like everyone else, my first anime by him is "Astro Boy". It was such a surprise to read "Ayako" since I thought he only made mangas for children (though Astro Boy is kind of dark in some ways). The whole Tenge family is disconnected. They are blood-related, but for me, they do not care about each other. I think the broken family symbolize the jeopardy of war and insecure social and political situation and the ending that Ayako leaves Tenge family means hope. She cannot live exactly like other people since she has some background problems symbolizing the hurt of war or political problems at that time. I am not sure it is just Tezuka's story style of making a dark story, it has a huge impact on me. In Japan, it is possible to marry in a family or not a family but cousins can marry as I know. However, still, I think this type of broken family shows...
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