Week 4: Alternative Manga and "I saw it!"

Manga has the power to send the message with drawings and story. Most of the Japanese manga I read had a long storyline, but with the chance of reading "alternative manga", I got more interest in short mangas and the characteristics of short mangas.

I want to keep more focus on the manga we had in class "I saw it" which is a short manga by Keiji Nakazawa. The basic plot is an autological story that the story of himself about suffering atomic bomb in Japan.
I am from South Korea which went through Japanese colonial occupation in WW2. I learned the history of WW2 from the perspective of Korea which was a colony of Japan. This comic book was my first step to see the history with the perspective of Japan, especially the 20th century. I was shocked by the realistic description of the actual situation and harm of the atomic bomb. I first thought just that this is horrible but now I realize that is the power of documentary manga. Showing the reality to the audience with a form of art and sending a message with it was the purpose of the manga. That is a process of how we got a history lesson.

The power of documentary manga is associated with history. This is basically an autobiographical comic which only is about Keiji's story.  However, we can get an idea of that era and the normal people's life at that time and that is the history.
There are many films or book which deals with a historical event, but showing a historical event with one's perspective can show more than that. Like Diary of Anne Frank, a description with one's experience comes closer to the audience and help the audience feel like they are in that situation at that time. With this book, I got a chance to think about depicting a certain event with one's perspective as an artist who can send a message to the audience.


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